The Town of Grundy Development Authority is committed to the development of new business opportunities and to the growth and success of existing businesses. Through planning and fostering economic development, the Grundy Industrial Development Authority will create a welcoming community that is proud of its heritage, honors its past, and is actively building its future.
The Property Manager oversees the everyday operations of the Industrial Development Authority. The Property Manager works for the Town of Grundy Industrial Development Board, "IDA" of which consists of the Chairman and six members that are appointed by the Town Council of the Town of Grundy. The duties include but are not limited to overseeing the planning and projects of the IDA, leasing, general maintenance and upkeep of the properties. The Property Manager oversees the properties of the Industrial Development Authority of which are valued in excess of $41.5 million dollars and currently has thirty-nine leasing tenants.
The Grundy IDA property consists of two properties of which are developed, they are the Grundy Town Center, the Grundy Plaza and one of which is not developed at the Lee Town property north west of Grundy. The purpose of the properties is to attract new business to the area whether it be retail, service, or industrial uses.
Dennis Allen Ramey,
IDA Property Manager